Rev. Dr. Craig Harris Quimby Church Divine Science Senior Minister
In loving memory of the Honorable Reverend Lucia Faugno
and in loving memory of the Honorable Rev. Mary Emma Dryden
Dr. Harris Studied under both Rev. Lucia Faugno and Rev. Mary Emma Dryden at Quimby Memorial Church Divine Science in Secaucus, NJ. in addition to the Divine Science School in Washington D.C.
Prior to Divine Science he was an active member in Unity Centers in Montclair and with Eric Butterworth in NYC for over fifteen years.
In 2009 Dr. Harris became a licensed Divine Science Teacher and then a licensed Divine Science Practitioner. He was originally ordained as a Quimby Minister in 2009 and later a Divine Science Minister through Divine Science School in Washington D.C. in 2010. He assisted both senior Minister Lucia Faugno and Assistant minister Rev. Mary Emma Dryden.
During that time he was invited to become a Board Member with the Divine Science School in Washington D.C., where he remains to this day, as one of their teachers, originally serving as secretary for ten years and currently as Chairperson.
In 2015 when Rev. Lucia Faugno retired Mary Emma Dryden became Senior Minister and Craig Harris became Associate Minister to Quimby Memorial Church Divine Science in the Meadowlands of Secaucus, New Jersey.
During this time Rev. Craig Harris began work at the Hudson County Jail in S. Kearny, NJ, where he worked for 5 years as a spiritual advisor in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program for both incarcerated men and women. In addition he ran a program for the men called the 24 /7 DAD.
In addition he voluntarily ran for several years a program at the Meadowview Psychiatric Hospital in Secaucus in their MICA Unit (Mentally Ill Chemically Addicted).
In addition he is author and publisher of the book “LIFE Living In Fantastic Energy”, running groups and workshops based on his book.
In 2018 Rev. Craig received from the state of New Jersey the Certificate of Achievement award for Hudson County Volunteer of the Year, and signed by Governor Phil Murphy.
In 2019 he decided to continue his ministerial education and went to the University of Sedona and the University of Metaphysics where he was again ordained as a Metaphysical Minister and earned his Doctorate Degree in Bible Interpretation.
During this time and to this day, he has been a volunteer and Chairperson with the Secaucus Coalition, working with children and teenagers in drug, alcohol, tobacco, and vaping abuse and addiction prevention. Working together with other organizations such as CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) and L.E.A.D. (Leadership for Education and Development) teaching youth self – confidence and managerial skills.
Reverend Mary Emma Dryden retired in the spring 2022 and Rev. Dr. Craig Harris was elected by the Church Board to the Senior Minister position.
He has also been an invited guest speaker numerous times at Unity Center in NYC and Unity Center in Montclair, NJ.
We continue to meet each Sunday morning at 11:10 AM est via Zoom.
We are a non-sectarian group of people dedicated to the study and application of the inherent capabilities within all of humankind. Its purpose is to support and further the benevolent creative forces in the universe so that health, happiness and peace prevail.
Quimby Church – Divine Science in the Meadowlands is in addition, an Off-Site Campus for The Divine Science School in Washington D.C.
We are also a member of Divine Science Federation International, International New Thought Alliance, and The Divine Science Minister’s Association..
I am not my physical body, however it is mine.
My body is hungry, I am not; my body is tired, I am not….
I am not my thoughts, the mind is part of the body; the thoughts are mine but they are not me.
I am in the image and likeness of my Creator.
I can store all I want in the body’s mind and have the deepest respect for that storage,
but all I truly need is to go into the silence and free myself from even the positive knowledge.
It is there that the being of all Goodness reveals itself,
for it is the “I”; no separation, no duality …timelessness…
We have moments of being on top of the mountain, and moments of appearing to be on top of the mountain; but it is when we enter into the mountain,
the true fountainhead of God’s deep inner knowledge,
we then can begin to embrace our divinity; ever present; all knowing; all powerful.
This is our energy, our glory, our being….our true awakening in a continuum of being.
Let us not just behold God and be in awe,
but let us also be as One with our Heavenly Mother/Father.
Peace and Blessings,
Rev. Dr. Craig Harris
Dr. Quimby’s philosophy covered certain ideas which enrich life in all ways.
Beliefs determine happiness or the lack of it.
Beliefs can be changed.
Life responds to our beliefs.
We exist within the One Presence, the One Spirit.
We have access to the One.
A TREATMENT PRAYER from Emma Curtis Hopkins
(First Emma states, she would say this treatment prayer for herself and then to the person she was treating)
I do not believe in a mixture of good and evil, I do not believe in evil of any kind
I believe that all is good, There is no reality in trouble
All is peace
There is no reality in sickness, All is perfect health
I do not believe in anything wron, I believe all is well
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. In Spirit we are in the likeness of the Divine Mind of Innate Intelligence, for we are One with the Mother / Father, All Good, All Love, All Wellness.
Our Flesh is but a garment of the outer world and it’s mind (our personality) is only an accumulation of what we take in from the outer world and the inner world and choose to express.
May I be conscious of my thoughts and beliefs, and may I see beyond the senses of man’s muck and mire.
In the simple but profound words of H. B. Jeffrey –“Lord all I need is Thee and all is well”; for there in the eternal moment is Wisdom, Peace, Grace, and Love.
A major definer of the Quimby message was the gifted writer and speaker Dr. Ervin Seale (1909-1990). For 32 years Dr. Seale addressed a large audience at Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City.
The Quimby Memorial Church is an outgrowth of the Quimby Memorial Church and Foundation of New York City. The Church and Foundation were under the direction of Dr. Ervin Seale. Dr. Seale, a former minister of the Church of the Truth. Dr. Seale dedicated his later years to translating and publishing the writings of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby.
Among the authors and writers whose ideas are included in our teaching are Dr. Ervin Seale, Emmet Fox (Ordained as a Divine Science minister), Joel Goldsmith, Joseph Murphy, Nona Brooks, Fannie James, Malinda Cramer, and Emma Curtis Hopkins